Software for planning Applus+ testing laboratories

In the era of digital transformation, efficiently managing data is essential for businesses. This Bachelor's Thesis develops a planning system for Applus+, a leader in certification and testing, to improve coordination and resource management in their ICT laboratories. The proposed system, a laboratory planner called Calendar Management Business (CMB), uses Next.js and React.js on the front-end and TypeScript and Prisma on the back-end, offering a dynamic and robust interface. It facilitates process automation and improves task planning. The goal is to increase efficiency and effectiveness, reduce costs, and strengthen customer relationships, establishing a foundation for future operational improvements.
En la era de la transformación digital, gestionar datos de manera eficiente es esencial para las empresas. Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado desarrolla un sistema de planificación para Applus+, líder en certificación y pruebas, para mejorar la coordinación y gestión de recursos en sus laboratorios TIC. El sistema propuesto, un planificador de laboratorios llamado Calendar Management Business (CMB), utiliza Next.js y React.js en el front-end y TypeScript y Prisma en el back-end, ofreciendo una interfaz dinámica y robusta. Facilita la automatización de procesos y mejora la planificación de tareas. El objetivo es aumentar la eficiencia y efectividad, reducir costos y fortalecer relaciones con clientes, estableciendo una base para futuras mejoras operativas.
A l'era de la transformació digital, gestionar dades eficientment és essencial per a les empreses. Aquest Treball de Fi de Grau desenvolupa un sistema de planificació per a Applus+, líder en certificació i proves, per millorar la coordinació i gestió de recursos en els seus laboratoris TIC. El sistema proposat, un planificador de laboratoris anomenat Calendar Management Business (CMB), utilitza Next.js i React.js al front-end i TypeScript i Prisma al back-end, oferint una interfície dinàmica i robusta. Facilita l'automatització de processos i millora la planificació de tasques. L'objectiu és augmentar l'eficiència i efectivitat, reduir costos i enfortir relacions amb clients, establint una base per a futures millores operatives.
Data Integration
Develop internal APIs that facilitate communication and data transfer between CIMSA (the data lake of Applus Laboratories) and the CMB database.
Ensure the automatic synchronization of tasks, resources, and projects, eliminating redundancies and improving planning accuracy.
Planner Interface
Create an interface based on Fluent UI, using front-end technologies such as Next.js and React.js, along with Tailwind CSS.
Allow the visualization and manipulation of projects through customizable views (day, week, month, year). Prioritize ease of use to ensure all users can efficiently manage their projects.
Production Forecasting
Implement functionality that allows the generation of production and billing reports directly from the CMB. Through this tool, update billing amounts directly to CIMSA.
Use integrated and constantly updated data to provide precise operations that aid in strategic and operational planning.
Visual Resources

Project Search
It will be necessary to click the "Plan Project" button and then fill in at least one of the search fields. Once filled, a list with all matches is displayed.